The Social Network for meeting new people

BTG(ɳßτg) all the same thing. You choose what you want next to your name!


    BTG/nBTG is all the same group. This group was started by our one and ONLY Roy the Blue Tiger. Roy is the true founder of BTG/nBTG and he's done a great job. What gave our founder Roy the idea of starting this group was Abby his daughter, wondered if there was a place where people from all over the world could come together and play in a nice and friendly way; a place where everyone could get along and help one another. This inspired Roy to start this wonderful group. If you're looking for a group of friends who truly care for one another you need not look any further because this is "that place!" This group started in the lions and tigers scene, but goes beyond that. Other animals and humans are welcome to join the group as well! The objective of this group is to make the pet game a pleasure for everyone who plays the game nicely and with respect for others.

    Animals and Pets - Other - Large Animals




