Over 3 months ago
3916 times
nebula ekor musang2
nak berteman..tapi mesra..
May 29, 2008
About Me
asal sedap telinga mendengar..
Gravity,Star Trek & all Sci Fi film..
all reality show dgn natgeo+discovery chanel..
apa2 jua buku yg dapat memberi ilmu pengetahuan kepada diri ini..
athletics n bola baling tin(masa kecik2)
suka berangan
kasut saiz 8
All u need is love..love is all uneed..life is full of suprise,will never know what will happen in the future...just pray and hoping for the best & keep moving on my dear friends...adios
Is defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them.Current interpretations of astronomical observations indicate that the age of the universe is 13.73billion years,and that the diameter of the observable Universe is at least 93 billion light years, or 880000000000000000000000 km..
if π=3,β=0,λ=8..hence 013-24πβ45λ