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  • Linda S


    46986 times

    Reef Nebula

    Professional Numerologist

    March 26, 2008



    English, Deutsch




  • About Me

    • Classic Rock & Roll of 70's-90's.

    • Crime, Mystery. Medical, Horror

    • Chiller, ScyFi, LMN, Oxygen. Horror Movies, Medical Shows, True Life stories, Crime, Mystery, Discovery, History, Current Events

    • Dean Koontz, Stephen Speilberg/Horror, Medical, Self Help, Crime, Numerology, Cook Books

    • Judo, Karate, Scuba Diving, the Treadmill & Stationary Bike for fitness

    • A Professional Numerologist, Veggie Gardening Spring-Summer & Canning Fruits/Veggies in Autumn.. Enjoy concet's. theatrical performances, reading, screen art, regional chat, discovery of cultural differances, recognizing "newness" in each day, Travel, Garage Sales & Flea Markets,.Free Lotto's, our dogs/cats, cooking, & "much more"

    • Immerse in the practice of Numerology & specialize in "Predictive Numerology, Travel, Gardening/Canning of fruits & vegetables. Spend time w/family, Grandson, children, husband & friends

    • Empathy

    • My primary motive on Tagged is as a Numerologist. Numerology knows no age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnic backround, relationship/marital status...etc. I thrive on the mental stimulation of a Numerologist's mindset. Given an individuals "complete name @ birth" & "date of birth", I can figure "many" of "most" any of your life facets. Too, it allows me the opportunity for a connectiveness to others & in "giving of myself" to others that I otherwise wouldn't be able to do because of my nonavailability in a way that doesn't betray/violate the foundations of my marital relationship of 44 yrs. 12/22. Please respect my Page by not posting sexually suggestive or visually explicit images because it doesn't reflect my character persona.