The Social Network for meeting new people
  • HaZeM


    195 times


    September 8, 2007



    العربية, English

    Middle Eastern



  • About Me

    • clasic & hiphop

    • action & romantic

    • Football _ wrestling and bodybuilding

    • Honest friends

    • The honest love

    • just you can say it but some people say that i am affectionate, amicable, good-natured. passionate, God-fearing, may be ......

    • If i could have one wish, i would wish to wake up evryday to the sound of ur breath on my neck, the wormth of ur lips on my cheek, the touch of ur fingers on my skin, and the feel of ur heart beating on mine.... knowing that i could never find the feeling with any one other than you...

    • If i could have one wish, i would wish to wake up evryday to the sound of ur breath on my neck, the wormth of ur lips on my cheek, the touch of ur fingers on my skin, and the feel of ur heart beating on mine.... knowing that i could never find the feeling with any one other than you...i hope no cheat, no pain,no hurt, and any love story never end .

    • * لا تسمح لآحد أن يأخذ الآولويه فى حياتك عندما تكون أنت خيارآ ثانويآ فى حياته . * لا تبكى على أى علاقه فى الحياه لآن الذى تبكى من أجله لا يستحق دموعك والشخص الذى يستحق دموعك...لن يدعك تبكى أبدآ. * عامل الجميع بلطف وتهذيب حتى الناس الوقحين معك ليس لآنهم غير لطفين بل لآنك أنت لطيف وقلبك نظيف . * لا تبحث عن سعادتك فى الآخرين وإلا ستجد نفسك وحيدا وحزين أبحث عنها داخل نفسك وستشعر بالسعاده حتى لو بقيت وحيدآ . * السعاده دائمآ تبدو ضئيله عندما نحملها بأيدينا الصغيره لكن عندما نتعلم كيف نشارك بها سندرك كم هى كبيره وثمينه.

    • * Do not allow anyone to take priority in your life When you are a secondary option in his life. * Do not cry on any relationship in life because that is crying for him is not deserves your tears, The person who deserves your tears ... he never let you cry. * treat everyone gently and refining even people who immodest with you Not because they are not gently but because you are nice and your heart is clean. * Don't looking for happiness in others and only you will find yourself lonely and sad Looking for it inside yourself and you will feel delighted, even if you remained alone. * Happiness Always seem small when we hold it with our small hands but When we learn how to share them, we realize how much is a large and valuable.