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  • Abiodun O


    30642 times


    hi there

    May 24, 2007



  • About Me

    • jazz,

    • romantic

    • all

    • environmental services

    • to represent my country in any positive capacity

    • The kind of lady I would like is as simple as this, A lady that I can love, adore, hug, and kiss, A lady that has a smile that’s unique to me, And for the rest of time I can keep happy, A lady that wants to be called Angel instead of hot, One that loves me for "me" and not for what I got, One that doesn't want to know about my life one bit, But wants to live it, and be a part of it, A lady that can hold me in her arms, Keeping me warm and out of harm, One I can apologize to when I do something wrong, And wait for forgiveness, no matter how long, A lady I can point to and say "that’s my baby", one that can smile and make my mind swirl, A lady that I can keep company when he feels lonely, And understands that if he needs anyone, there’s me, A lady that I can continue to adore, And love with three words and even more, One that seems to make my life much better, and a lady I can love and adore forever and ever, These are some things that I look for in

    • *Loving someone so much...and wanting him or her so badly, but you know you could never have him or her, or at least don’t think you can. And you may be too afraid to even bother trying. A way I feel and you probably do or have at some point too.